Reflection Days on Human Rights

From the Education area of the Parque de la Memoria, we carry out the “Youth Meeting, Reflection Day on Human Rights”, aimed at secondary schools of CABA and AMBA.
This proposal is framed within the need to continue expanding the channels of expression of young people and to rethink Human Rights issues by drawing bridges between the past and the present.
We believe in the power of the meeting between courses from different secondary schools that meet to debate and share reflections on related topics. Generating spaces for reflection and work among young people is enriching since it strengthens the construction of critical readings of reality, added to the importance of active participation and the exchange of voices among students.
Participating schools per thematic:
Gender Violence:
Escuela Primaria N° 14, Dr. E. Padilla.
Escuela de Educación Secundaria N° 151.
Escuela de Educación Secundaria N° 40.
Instituto Evangélico Americano.
Colegio 19 DE 17 “Luis Pasteur”.
Colegio de Educación Integral Manuelita.
Instituto Parroquial San José..
Escuela Secundaria N° 119.
State Violence:
Escuela de Educación Secundaria N° 151.
Instituto Evangélico Americano.
Instituto Parroquial San José.
Instituto Raíces y Alas.
ENS N°2 “Mariano Acosta”.