Entrecruces de la memoria 1979-2020

Martes a domingos y feriados de 11 a 17 hs.
Hasta el 14 de julio | Entrada libre y gratuita

Fotografías: Nicolás Villalobos

This is the first Latin American retrospective of Lotty Rosenfeld’s work. Rosenfeld (1943- 2020) was a Chilean artist whose work was decisive in the conceptual reformulation of the links between art and politics in times of darkness and fear.

This exhibition includes a selection of individual pieces by the artist and highlights her participation in CADA (Colectivo Acciones de Arte / Art Actions Collective) as well as her collaboration with feminist women organizations. Well into the military dictatorship, Lotty crouched down on the pavement to intervene the axes of the roadway that order traffic and mark a cross. Her gesture of disrespect in a public space aimed at questioning in a metaphorical manner the authoritarianism of control systems and the social disciplining mechanisms that regulate behaviors. Rosenfeld
combined urban interventions with video installations, innovating through the use of recording, editing and montage technologies, which are a central theme of her archive.

During her entire lifetime, the aesthetic power of Lotty Rosenfeld’s disobedient gesture used the cross (+) to break the functionality of signs, opening vanishing lines that activate critical dissent in a world that has been uniformed by the media and how it has shaped neoliberal culture. In a permanent dialogue and confrontation with the political and ideological turns that mark international events, Rosenfeld’s imagery picks the peripheral traces of bodies that have been crossed by historic tragedies, racial and ethnic conflicts, migration tensions, war dramas, existential precariousness, gender domination and identity revolts.

Lotty Rosenfeld worked obsessively with the tormented memory of the Chilean dictatorship: with the documentary and testimonial pieces of a past of fight and defeat which her irreplaceable legacy brings to us today, as a shelter and warning against the erasing that is taking place in the present and attempts at dissolving every form of social historicity. Lotty Rosenfeld’s work is an example of how to move artistic imagination and critical memory to turn them into a part of the communal evolution of new emancipated subjectivities.

Nelly Richard – Mariairis Flores.

Lotty Rosenfeld. Entrecruces de la memoria 1979-2020 es un proyecto producido por el Parque de la Memoria, dependiente de la Subsecretaría de Cultura Ciudadana y Derechos Humanos del GCBA. Fue posible gracias al fundamental apoyo de la Embajada de Chile en Argentina; Varinia Brodsky, Directora del Museo de Bellas Artes de Santiago de Chile; y Alejandra Coz Rosenfeld, Directora de la Fundación Lotty Rosenfeld.

MAR-SUN 11am to 5 pm
Free entry 


Nelly Richard


Mariaris Flores