Poster Project 2012

This edition of the Project Posters works on the theme of “Genocides”, in the cases of: Armenian Genocide, The Holocaust, Ruanda dictatorship and Argentinian dictatorship.
This edition of the Project Posters works on the theme of “Genocides”, in the cases of: Armenian Genocide, The Holocaust, Ruanda dictatorship and Argentinian dictatorship.
This edition of the Project Posters works on the theme of “Gender violence”.
Here you can download the posters produced by the students and the teaching booklet, which contains; the theoretical descent, key concepts and activities to carry out in the classroom.
Here you can download the posters produced by the students and the teaching booklet, which contains; the theoretical descent, key concepts and activities to carry out in the classroom.
Here you can download the posters produced by the students and the teaching booklet, which contains; the theoretical descent, key concepts and activities to carry out in the classroom.
Here you can download the posters produced by the students and the teaching booklet, which contains; the theoretical descent, key concepts and activities to carry out in the classroom.
“During the visit to the Memory Park, the boys and girls had the opportunity to tour the Monument to the Victims of State Terrorism, observe the sculptures that are part of the Public Art Program and contemplate the river from a perspective Unusual The educator guides provided them with information, discussed and answered questions on a tour that was designed not as an expository class, but as a participatory activity.
This book is part of the “expanded” visit: a visit that begins at the school, before arriving at the Park, and continues with subsequent activities. In these pages the information, images and also the concerns that the boys express while participating in it are recovered.
In addition, we propose to our younger visitors to carry out plastic production activities. It is not about entertaining or aestheticizing a complex, painful theme, but rather assuming that contemporary art and its creative possibilities are a space for transmission. As Hanna Arendt postulates, art is an activity that allows us to trace “plots of humanity” in the face of horror. In these, it becomes possible to activate genuine learning to maintain memory, understood as an exercise, as a citizen practice.
It is our wish that you can share these pages with the boys. We also invite you to visit the Park and, if you already know it, to return. “
Work carried out from the memory area of the Parque de la Memoria that makes a historical journey from 1969 to 1983, the same period as the Monument to the Victims of State Terrorism.
Work carried out from the educational area of the Parque de la Memoria that takes a tour of the artistic movements from 1969 to 1983, the same period as the Monument to the Victims of State Terrorism.
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